Tender No. 2719 dated 10/15/1400 Subject: Tender subject 5
Tender No. 2548 dated 10/22/1400
, Subject: Renovation of Alstom Gas Turbine parts
From: Tak Niro Company (Shahid Zanbag Power Plant, Yazd)
Subject: Invitation to participate in tender No…..
اRespectfully, the opinion to confirm the qualification of that company to participate in the said tender is hereby requested while referring to the website http://www.takniroo.ir of the Department of Commercial Affairs. > Tenders > List of tenders > Tender for the reconstruction of Alstom GEF5 gas turbine parts of Shahid Zanbag Power Plant, Yazd, if possible, prepare a technical and financial proposal in accordance with the documents and conditions of the tender, and no later than 08/22/1400 through Pishtaz post to the address of Yazd-Jhumori Blvd.- Shahid Zanbag Power Plant, Yazd If the company is not able and willing to continue participating in this tender for any reason, it is necessary to send its written withdrawal to the fax number 035-35264501 immediately and at the latest before the deadline of this tender. In addition, you can use the username and password below to enter the public bidding panel. To get any more technical information, contact Mr. Engineer Zare at ext. 217 (4-03535250501).