Aftab Taban Solar Power Company Garizat was registered on 12/07/2015 under number 16775 in the Yazd Province Registration Office. The main center of the company is located in Yazd province, Yazd city, Islamic republic boulevard, in front of Seyyed Jaafar Imamzadeh, Shahid Zanbeq alley, Shahid Zanbeq power plant, Yazd.
The construction site of the solar power plant is located in Yazd, Taft, Garizat section, Ahmadabad Rashti village.
Aftab Taban Garizat solar power plant with 4,632 solar panels of 540 watts with the SUNTECH brand and 23 inverters of 110 KV with the SUNGROW brand, with a nominal power generation capacity of 2,500 kilowatt hours and with the use of up-to-date equipment by domestic experts, is currently engaged in The production of clean solar energy.
The registered capital of the company is currently 400,000,000,000 Rials divided into 4,000,000,000 million shares of 1,000 Rials each, of which 400,000,000 registered shares have been fully paid.
The board of directors elected by shareholders in 1400, by holding meetings, has tried to be committed to its responsibility towards investors and other stakeholders. The board of directors has tried to establish effective governance over the affairs of the company in line with the interests of the shareholders and balance the interests of various stakeholders including market customers, employees and national functions in the society and in order to fulfill its duties efficiently and effectively, its activities in the form of He has organized specialized committees including transaction, audit and financial instruments committees.